Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

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What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

If you are a parent of a college-bound student, you've probably wondered, "What do colleges look for?". And, it's good that you've asked yourself that. It means you are wiling to take an active role in your child's post-secondary education. To be honest, that's more of a step in the right direction than most parents are willing to take. So, give yourself a hand!

What Do Colleges Look For? - You Might Be Surprised!

The unfortunate truth is that most students will not get acceptable to their first option college or university. Either it's not taking the right courses, not being involved in sufficient extracurricular activities, or they simply haven't done their college investigate and aren't ready for the college admission process.

In today's world of post-secondary education, college-bound students face the toughest and most competitive admissions in recent history. More students are choosing college and as a result, university admission standards are being raised. So, what do colleges look for in a prospective student? Or better yet, how can you up your chances of getting accepted? Let's seek a few factors:

1. Get Your Grades - Now, grades come first and leading when a college is deciding to offer acceptance. Nothing will get you denied quicker than a transcript full of "C's"! Taking care of your thorough grade point mean (or Gpa) from day one is of the most importance. Trying to dig your Gpa out of a "hole" after freshman year is not fun, and legitimately not easy!

Another aspect that is leading with regard to Gpa is exact grades in certain subjects. As an example, let's say you are planning on majoring in engineering in college. When you go to apply, the admission representative will be seeing for a strong background in math and science. If you have marginal grades in those subjects, you'll end up in the "deny" pile of applicants.

Also, take a few Ap (Advanced Placement) or honor's courses. They may be tougher and want more time to achieve a good grade, but some schools offer extra "Gpa points" for good grades. Plus, colleges love to see those higher level courses on a transcript. They can hurt you if you can't get an "A" or a "B", so be faithful not to bite off more than you can chew! It'll pay off in the end!

2. Enroll in the permissible Courses - Be sure that you are taking a solid college preparatory curriculum while in high school. This is the first thing admission offices will look for. Then, they'll look to see if you challenged yourself with the curriculum you chose. If you did, it'll help you.

As stated before, if you want to stand out try taking an upper-level class. Advance Placement and/or honors classes are offered at most schools over the country. Find out what they're all about, and if you think you can commit to the workload, go for it! You'll be happy that you did, but only if you can pull of the "A" or "B" grade. If not, there is a good opportunity you will hurt your admission status.

3. Involvement - So, what do colleges look for with regard to activities. While it is true that involvement in extracurricular activities will heighten your chances for admission, there are activities that look better than others. More schoraly things like National Honor community and Pi Sigma Pi will all the time be more impressive than, say, Art club.

Another tip is to try and find activities that show leadership qualities. Colleges want students that are community leaders, so show them that you have the drive to be a leader and you will be rewarded for it! Also, organized sports and volunteer work are great displays of leadership and are all the time a plus when listed on a transcript. So get going!

There are a lot more puny things you can do to help get admitted to your school of choice! But, we hope that these few helped shed the light on that burning question, "What do colleges look for?". Thanks for taking the time to read this article and we hope you'll visit us at eCollegePrep soon!

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